FPCE is participating in the Woodland Hills Foundation’s Trunk or Treat on Sunday, October 13. We will be accepting donations of bags of candy but cannot accept homemade treats. Drop off candy donations in the box marked “WH Trunk or Treat” at the side entrance. Contact Tyler McGuigan if interested in volunteering to decorate, dress up, and pass out candy at the event.
Walking in the way of St. Francis, a visionary lover of all creation, we will hold a service of the Blessing the Animals. We will be on the side lawn (weather permitting) Wednesday, October 2 at 6:00 PM. All creatures great and small – and their guardians – are welcome. The service will open with a brief liturgy and prayer, then each pet will be blessed individually. Hot dogs will be grilled for human consumption and treats will be given to our furry friends. Please invite your friends, families, and neighbors to this blessing ceremony.
Wanted - Volunteers for a Worship and Arts Team
Looking for experienced and novice crafters to design and create new sanctuary art, and of course for fellowship. I think we need banners for ordinary time. As you may know my brother purchased and gifted me with a huge variety of material, accessories, pattern books and equipment from a bygone quilt group in his church. I have a ton of stuff to get us started, including some partially completed projects for example and inspiration. The method we can use is wide open; machine or hand stitching - embroidery, applique, quilting, etc. Meeting logistics to be worked out together. Contact Lorraine at <[email protected]> if you are interested in joining this group with arts team in subject line. We are thrilled to report that we served over 160 friends and neighbors at our July and August dinners. Thanks to all who helped make these days such a success. Come and be part of our next meals by setting up, serving, bringing side dishes or desserts, cleaning up, or just coming to be in community with our neighbors! Join us at 6:00 PM on September 4.
Looking into the fall, our community events look a little bit different on the first Wednesday of the month. The October dinner is replaced with hot dogs at our Pet Blessing, November is the Deacons’ Pasta Dinner, and December is Soup with St. Nick. |
January 2025