June 2023 Update
Presbyterian Women met after church, Sunday, May 21. We talked about how we could best use our funds to help FPCE. We decided to donate $100. in memory of our dear friend Mary Ross and $200. to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. We also will buy 10 light-weight tables to use for our outdoor events.
Presbyterian Women at Edgewood
All the women of FPCE are automatically members of Presbyterian Women. We have 5-10 active women, and are always looking to involve more ladies.
We hold quarterly meetings as well as attending meetings of Presbyterian Women Pittsburgh Presbytery (PWPP) affairs. All are welcome to attend.
We have an active evening circle called Joy Circle; we meet on the last Monday of the month in the Lounge at 7PM. This group thrives on the support we offer each other. God has blessed us in this respect. We encourage anyone to attend, or to attend the Daytime Circle, which is held every other Thursday afternoon.
We hold quarterly meetings as well as attending meetings of Presbyterian Women Pittsburgh Presbytery (PWPP) affairs. All are welcome to attend.
We have an active evening circle called Joy Circle; we meet on the last Monday of the month in the Lounge at 7PM. This group thrives on the support we offer each other. God has blessed us in this respect. We encourage anyone to attend, or to attend the Daytime Circle, which is held every other Thursday afternoon.
2011: We thoroughly enjoyed our spring retreat at Doris Hamilton’s cottage, and the spring Flea Market raised over $1,000 toward mission. We sent two representatives to the Synod meeting in August, learning a great deal about Presbytery, Synod and National involvement of women in various activities and missions of Presbyterian Women (USA). Proceeds from our fall sale “It Takes Two”, a stationery company, we donated to a local teen mom ministry. We also supported the Presbyterian Senior Care (The Willow) with a donation for “Presents for Patients” at Christmas.
2012: In March we provided dinner for the monthly gathering of a teen mothers group. In April we held another successful flea market. The Peach Festival was a new endeavor for August. This was a joint activity with the Board of Deacons, who lent their expertise from their annual Strawberry Festival as well as assistance with the event. We enjoyed a good turnout on a very pleasant evening on the side lawn. A Bible Study on the Beatitudes was offered Wednesday evenings in the fall. In November we elected our 2013 officers as follows: Moderator Luella Broe, Vice-Moderator Lori Stutz, Secretary Sallie Monk, and Treasurer Deborah Pike. Patti Mielke updated the Yearbook for 2013 which was mailed to all women of the church.
2013: On PW Sunday, the moderator of PWPP graciously attended worships with us and conducted the installation of our officers; we also purchased a cake for the coffee hour following worship. The Flea Market profited over $1000 in April, and at our May meeting we voted to tithe 10% of our earnings to Presbytery local mission. Funds raised also helped to cover our other endeavors, including childcare in the nursery on Sundays. We sponsored a church-wide Bible study on Peter's Epistles on Wednesday evenings in April and May. In August, we held our second successful Peach Festival, once again in conjunction with the Deacons.
“Now unto Him, who by the power at work with us is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, to Him be glory in the Church and in Jesus Christ, our Lord, to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”
2011: We thoroughly enjoyed our spring retreat at Doris Hamilton’s cottage, and the spring Flea Market raised over $1,000 toward mission. We sent two representatives to the Synod meeting in August, learning a great deal about Presbytery, Synod and National involvement of women in various activities and missions of Presbyterian Women (USA). Proceeds from our fall sale “It Takes Two”, a stationery company, we donated to a local teen mom ministry. We also supported the Presbyterian Senior Care (The Willow) with a donation for “Presents for Patients” at Christmas.
2012: In March we provided dinner for the monthly gathering of a teen mothers group. In April we held another successful flea market. The Peach Festival was a new endeavor for August. This was a joint activity with the Board of Deacons, who lent their expertise from their annual Strawberry Festival as well as assistance with the event. We enjoyed a good turnout on a very pleasant evening on the side lawn. A Bible Study on the Beatitudes was offered Wednesday evenings in the fall. In November we elected our 2013 officers as follows: Moderator Luella Broe, Vice-Moderator Lori Stutz, Secretary Sallie Monk, and Treasurer Deborah Pike. Patti Mielke updated the Yearbook for 2013 which was mailed to all women of the church.
2013: On PW Sunday, the moderator of PWPP graciously attended worships with us and conducted the installation of our officers; we also purchased a cake for the coffee hour following worship. The Flea Market profited over $1000 in April, and at our May meeting we voted to tithe 10% of our earnings to Presbytery local mission. Funds raised also helped to cover our other endeavors, including childcare in the nursery on Sundays. We sponsored a church-wide Bible study on Peter's Epistles on Wednesday evenings in April and May. In August, we held our second successful Peach Festival, once again in conjunction with the Deacons.
“Now unto Him, who by the power at work with us is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, to Him be glory in the Church and in Jesus Christ, our Lord, to all generations forever and ever. Amen.”
First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood | The Community Church | 120 East Swissvale Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15218 | 412-241-4613