Saturday, April 29 at 10AM, church leaders (session, deacons, staff) are invited to attend a training on how to operate an automated external defibrillator (AED). FPCE is paying for us to be trained. When we are trained, we receive a no-cost AED unit from Edgewood Volunteer Fire Department. Please contact the church office to confirm your attendance.
As we leave the season of Lent—the time of reflection and repentance—we come to Jerusalem, waving palms, as the Prince of Peace declares the beginning of a new kingdom with new values. It is a society that does not rely on oppression or domination but seeks community, love, justice, and flourishing for all people. As we enter Holy Week, we rejoice that the story does not end with Jesus dying on the cross. Easter morning brings about the beginning of the rest of our story as Christians — the celebration of our Jesus’ resurrection!
Join us as we travel through Jerusalem to the darkest hours after the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, from the pleading prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane and Judas’ betrayal, to the hill of Calvary on Good Friday. We are thankful that we will arrive at the empty tomb on Easter Sunday, when we can joyfully proclaim together: “He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” April 2 – Palm/Passion Sunday Shout Hosanna for Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Mt. 26:14-27:66). We will celebrate Communion this week! April 6 – Maundy Thursday, 7 PM The service begins at 7:00PM in the Gathering Place. We will be celebrating Communion this evening. April 7 – Good Friday, 11 AM At 11 AM, Pastor Jason will lead us in grieving ritual in the Sanctuary. Also, the Sanctuary will be open for personal devotion from 9 AM to 12 PM. April 9 – Easter Sunday Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia! The service will include Holy Communion.
January 2025