We welcome Sarah Steranka to FPCE. Sarah will be teaching private flute lessons at the church and is currently seeking new students. If you know someone who might be interested, check out the details at sterankaflutestudio.com
To kick off our Summer Sundays at 10:00AM, we are planning an outdoor worship service on Sunday, June 6, with a rain date of June 20. It’s hard to believe, but the last outdoor emerging worship service we held on the side lawn was in 2015!
Due to limited resources (and to make the workload easier on those involved), we are going to meet on the street behind the Gathering Place. It is much easier to move chairs just outside the door to the street than what it takes to get to the lawn, plus we have a sound system already set up in the Gathering Place that won’t need to be taken anywhere! Please plan to show up by 9:00AM if you are available to help set up chairs. We’ll need a few folks to help bring them back inside after the service as well. And for those attending at 10AM, bring your sunglasses and summer hats! We’re planning to sing some of our favorite songs with keyboard and guitar. We’ll provide cold bottles of water for those who would like them. Please join us! |
January 2025