Good morning everyone,
We are immersed in God’s creation-glory every day of our lives. Yesterday, Earth Day, we thanked God for the very good world entrusted to our care. Creation has a beautiful voice; today, let’s listen to her: The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky shows His handiwork. Day to day they speak, night to night they reveal knowledge. There is no speech, no words, where their voice goes unheard. Their voice has gone out to all the earth and their words to the end of the world. from Psalm 19 People who listen closely to creation’s song have a message for us: the voice of nature is ringing with more clarity and strength these days. Rivers, lakes, and oceans are cleaner. The atmosphere is less polluted. Nature is taking a long-overdue breath of fresh air. Why? We have taken our foot off her chest. The corona virus has caused pain, death, fear, and havoc. No question. Still, our ears are open to a song that comes from the depths of creation. A song so lovely and subtle; sung clearly than we have heard for a long time. Let us pray not only for our own healing…but the healing of creation. “…creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”(Romans 8:21) Let us not enslave the powerful word from the natural world as we re-open for business. Let us not return to business as usual. Stay in touch with one another, stay safe…God bless. Pastor Michael Comments are closed.
January 2025