I hope you are able to enjoy and give thanks for another very lovely day that the Lord has sent our way, free of charge, pure grace. As we give thanks, also remember those whose day and way is much more difficult – not only pray for them, but help them as we are able.
Some of you know that Heather recently started her own spiritual blog; (www.alampuntomyfeet.net) When I read what she wrote earlier today, I wanted to pass it on. So, with Heather’s permission: “…they (the Pharisees) were looking for some heavenly sign from him as a test.” Mark 8:11 I was in Montreal once, a city I did not know well, for a Taize weekend. (Taize is a meditative style of worship.) We arrived just in time for the Friday evening prayer session with only a few minutes to call the place where we would be staying to get directions to drive there later. A kind voice gave me some very spare directions: left on Cote des Neiges, right on St. Catherine, left on Stewart, etc. Our journey there late that night had us in a strange city, in the dark, looking for signs. We missed one or two turns, but with the kindness of strangers and a bit of going-around-the-block, we found our way to a warm welcome, a midnight snack, and a snug bed at journey’s end. It was a wonderful metaphor for our faith journey. The signs are all there, but sometimes it’s dark or the way is unfamiliar, so we must remain vigilant, ask for help when we need it, and occasionally go around the block to reach our warm welcome at journey’s end. Grace and peace to all, Pastor Michael and Heather Comments are closed.
January 2025