Join us as we journey from Jerusalem to the Upper Room, from the Garden to the Trial, from the Cross to the Empty Tomb during the Passion of Jesus during Holy Week.
April 10 we celebrate the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday and events leading up to Jesus's betrayal and arrest in a Reader's Theater presentation during our Palm/Passion Sunday worship at 11:00AM. Maundy Thursday on April 14 is a time to remember the Last Supper when Jesus shared the bread and the cup with his disciples before heading into the Garden of Gethsemane, where Judas led the priests. Good Friday, April 15, we recall the crucifixion and death of our savior on the cross in silent meditation from our homes or in the sanctuary that will be open during office hours (9am-2pm). Easter Sunday, April 17, we rejoice that He is risen! He is risen indeed! Join us for a resurrection celebration during the 11 o'clock hour, including the sharing of Holy Communion. Comments are closed.
January 2025