Good afternoon,
It goes without saying, we are living through some very difficult times as a nation…as a world. I find it a challenge to strike the balance between being overwhelmed by it all (I am a newshound) and wanting to turn away from it all. My wife, Heather, has created a blog ( that I have turned to in the past for encouragement. Here is a recent post that reminds me of the advice Paul gives to the church in Thessalonica: “in everything give thanks. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thess. 5:18. Here is her post: An Attitude of Gratitude“With his every deed he offered thanks to God Most High, in words of praise. ” Sirach 47:8 (a book in the Apocrypha) Whether slaying Goliath or ruling wisely, David always recognized the source of his gifts and offered praise and thanks to God. Practicing this kind of gratitude can have some surprising benefits. Acknowledging God as the source keeps us humble. While we take pride in the soccer goal, the bonus paycheck, the newly-composed song, we know that they were achieved as a result of God-given gifts. Growing a delicious tomato reminds us of the creator of tomatoes (such a great idea!). Thanking God, praising God keep our world- and our place in it- in right perspective. But a grateful heart also reminds us, every time we say “thank you, ” that we are not alone. As we walk, swim, slog, trek, or dance through life, our Divine Companion is there, delighting in our thanks and praise. Let us start each day with praise for all that is to come and end it with a whispered “thanks” for all it held. Praise God for blue skies and rainfall, good times and bad, plenty and need. Comments are closed.
January 2025