Good morning,
A bright new day is born again! Let us be grateful. One of the ironies about the church is that a large majority of church members do not like change, yet, God is all about change! God creates and calls us to change, to be made new. “Today I am doing something new, something you cannot say you have heard before.” (Isaiah 48:7) “ Anyone who belongs to Christ is a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything is new.’ (II Corinthians 5:17) Something new is happening right now. Our world is changing. Our lives are changing. Right before our eyes. What was will never be again. The challenge and opportunity for the church is clear: will our faith in the Risen Christ guide and inspire us as we re-enter a nation going back to work? From Jesus’ mission statement in Luke 4: The Lord has sent me to tell good news to the poor, to announce freedomfor prisoners, to give sight to the blind,to free everyone who suffers, and to say, ‘This is the year the Lord has chosen.’” Will we Christians be handmaids of the Lord, who is doing something new? May the Spirit that was in Jesus Christ, be in you, Pastor Michael Comments are closed.
January 2025