Later this week, you will receive the post card above in your mailbox inviting you, your family, and friends to several upcoming events planned at FPCE:
Sunday, July 25 we will celebrate "Christmas in July" with a service of lessons and carols. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we were not gathering in person during the Advent/Christmas season, so we didn't get to share in the familiar stories or songs together. Now is your chance! Join readers/song leaders Rhonda Apessos, Shaun Cloonan, John Foster, Stephanie McGuigan, Tyler McGuigan, Mandy Rineer, Sunny Sakai, Jim Segedy, and Lisa Segedy as we share in the old familiar stories and raise our voices in song proclaiming "glory to the newborn king!" Sunday, August 1 will be a special day. While Pastor Michael Rucker formally retired on June 30, 2020, back then we were recording on Friday afternoons and only about 6 people were in attendance for his final service. We honored him with a video tribute of messages from many congregation members, but we had hoped that a day would come that we could really celebrate together in person. That day has arrived, and it's August 1st! Pastor Michael will lead us in a communion worship service, and we will come together in the Gathering Place afterward for a formal retirement reception. Come join us as we recognize Michael (and Heather!) for their nearly 8 years of service with us. Sunday, August 15 is another day to note. Our full emerging worship ensemble has not formally gathered to lead worship since February 2020. We will sing some of our favorite songs from our emerging format (think "Come, Now is the Time to Worship," "We are Forgiven," and more!). It will be a welcome sight to have our musicians leading in worship again (more than just Sunny and Shaun!). *Please note that worship committee chair Rhonda Apessos and minister of music Shaun Cloonan along with office manager Judy Mysels are diligently working to secure guest preachers for our upcoming services. We hope to have all of August and September confirmed before the next newsletter is mailed out. Finally, we resume worship at the 11:00 hour on Sunday, September 12 by welcoming the choir back to our service for the first time since March 2020. A picnic on the side lawn will take place immediately following worship. More details about set-up, donations, etc. will be coming in late August. But mark your calendars and bring a friend to join us for Rally Day! Comments are closed.
January 2025