Per Capita connects our church to the greater Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). The funds are used to support the activities of the local Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly. Each church is assessed by the number of members, and each year, FPCE pays the entire Per Capita to PCUSA upfront. In other words, our church pays forward the amount for each member. For 2020, the Per Capita is $35 for each member. Please consider submitting your Per Capita to FPCE.
Blessings, Paul Ohori, Stewardship Pastor Michael Not one of us can predict the future; yet all of us make plans for it. On December 31, 2019, I watched my sister pull out the 2020 planning calendar and begin circling certain dates and writing reminders on others. Many of us have done the same thing.
We do the same here at the church. Every year the leadership sits down with the church planning calendar and sets dates; religious dates like Ash Wednesday or Easter; dates for session and deacon meetings; dates for Presbyterian Women events, and dates for the FROGS after school program. Most often, each year’s planning calendar is strikingly similar to the previous year’s. But the year 2020 is going to be different.
We do not have a plan in place as to how we will move forward. That will be on the top of the agenda at our January session meeting. Three decisions have been made.
There are many challenging decisions to be made. Will we share a pastor with another congregation? Will we hire someone part-time? Will we decide to merge with another congregation? Will we lease the building out to other organizations? Will we invite a developer to give us other avenues to take with regard to the facility? This is unnerving. FPCE has never done this before. Yet – this is an exciting time for the life of our congregation. What we do know is this: God will not leave us or forsake us. God will include us in his plan for this community. God has our back. May faith, hope and love abide with us as we plan for a very different 2020. |
January 2025