Good morning brothers, sisters, and friends of FPCE,
We woke up to a quiet, cold dawn. Now the sun is sending its bright beams to pierce the cold with a bit of warmth. Somehow being cold and in the half-light is appropriate to Advent. Light beams breaking through the darkness is a sign of the bright day ahead. Even the weather is announcing the season. God has made a promise to the world: “Behold, a new heaven and a new earth!” As the drama of salvation ever so slowly unfolds, God is preparing the party of all parties - with reckless joy - a great banquet. Everyone invited. We are like the bridesmaids (Matthew 25: 1-14) waiting in the half-light and frost, just outside the entrance to God’s kingdom come. Our task – keep on waiting. As we do, let’s worship the God who is coming to us. Never as expected, but coming nevertheless. Forever Emmanuel. Forever to be with us. Advent Sunday number two is upon us. You are invited, along with friends and family, to gather as friends do; to worship, to sing, and to pray. See you at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday. (9:45 Sunday School.) Grace and peace be with you, Pastor Michael Good morning people,
An opportunity to begin again. “Breathe in…breathe out…breathe in…breathe out…” Advent. The beginning of the Christian calendar year. Four weeks to prepare ourselves – again - for the birth of God Incarnate, God-in-the-flesh, Jesus. Advent is an invitation to “breathe in”, as if for the first time, the deep love God has for you…for all us…for the world. Advent is an invitation to breathe out the hurt, frustration, alienation, isolation, pain that is inevitably accumulated throughout the year. “Breathe in…breathe out…” Advent opens us to the One who will fill us with grace and peace. Join us this Sunday morning, the peaceful loveliness of a Taize style worship will lead us into the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. See you Sunday, Pastor Michael PS – The adult Sunday School class, a friendly and insightful group of people. invites you to join them at 9:45 in the lounge. We are discussing a book entitled “God Unbound.” |
January 2025