Good Morning on this dreary Monday, After the warm and sunny weather of yesterday, the change to gloom seems to reflect our feelings in response to the announcement of extended closures until April 30. We just got the email from school that we will continue "virtual instruction" until that time with the hopes that we can return to be together after that (I have my doubts and wouldn't be surprised if we don't return the rest of the school year). It's easy to feel out of control. We are people who desire order, routine...especially as Presbyterians! But it is in times like these that we are reminded of who is really in control. We are the clay in the hands of the Master Craftsman and potter. I came across a blog from a different denomination (The Christian Reformed Church in North America) where one of the contributors offers some insight into this idea of God as the potter. If you have a moment, check it out here: I hope this performance of a favorite song of mine, "The Potter's Hand," provides you some comfort and inspiration as we journey through this 5th week of Lent toward Holy Week together. (And apologies for any mistakes - I don't usually sing solo and play for myself at the same time!) Blessings to you all, Shaun Our service for the 5th Sunday in Lent comes in several ways this week. Pastor Michael leads the spoken worship in the SoundCloud file below, with a brief pause for a verse of the beloved hymn tune FINLANDIA (or "This is My Song") played by Shaun on the Edgewood organ. Below the SoundCloud link you will see the video recorded of Pastor Michael leading our Lenten candle ritual in the sanctuary. Finally, as a musical anthem to complement the sermon, find a YouTube link to the scene from the movie Jesus Christ Superstar as Mary sings "Everything's Alright" while anointing Jesus's feet with oil. Continuing our adventures in online worship, please enjoy this musical medley performed by Sunny Sakai that incorporates the well-known songs "Open Our Eyes, Lord" and "Be Thou My Vision." Enjoy your Friday! Sharing more music with you: The FPCE Sanctuary Choir performs “Servant Song” during worship on October 29, 2017. Will you let me be your servant Let me be as Christ to you Pray that I might have the grace To let you be my servant too We are pilgrims on the journey We are travellers on the road We are here to help each other Walk the mile and bear the load I will hold the Christ light for you In the night time of your fear I will hold my hand out to you Speak the the peace you long to hear. I will weep when you are weeping When you laugh, I'll laugh with you I will share your joy and sorrow Till we've seen this journey through Will you let me be your servant Let me be as Christ to you Pray that I might have the grace To let you be my servant too While at the church recording the Lenten candle liturgies with Michael, I decided to see what shape the organ was in after months of not being used (but mostly just because I find playing it relaxing and have lost many hours unintentionally experimenting with the many sounds that beautiful instrument can make!). I did a quick recording of a favorite, “Seek Ye First,” and made a video to share as a musical offering to the congregation during our period of social distancing. Blessings to you all for the week ahead! - Shaun Click the track below to listen to the audio worship service for Sunday, March 22, 2020, the 4th Sunday in Lent. The SoundCloud track includes a call to worship, scripture, sermon, special music, prayers of the people, and benediction. In addition, a video of our Lenten Candle ritual was recorded and is posted below the audio link. Since we aren't meeting in person, we're trying to connect with our church family for worship in different ways through our website and social media. Our incredibly gifted pianist Sunny Sakai recorded herself playing a beautiful medley of "Be Still and Know" and "Be Still, My Soul." Shaun then took it and made a video to share with you. Take a few minutes to meditate pray, and be still. While it is sad that we are not able to gather in the sanctuary for worship this morning (thought it is the right decision in light of the social distancing we've been asked to practice during this unprecedented time), we have technology that allows us to still share in parts of the service together. This is not a "live streaming" version that some churches are doing, where someone is recording the service with leaders and musicians in real time to post on Facebook, YouTube, etc. This is an audio file Michael recorded this morning of him presenting parts of the service, including prayers, scripture, and sermon. I've uploaded it to our new Soundcloud file for the church. Click here to listen! Hope to see you soon. Peace, Shaun Since Pastor Michael has announced his decision to retire in June, the session has taken the first steps to prepare for the next pastoral leader of the congregation.
Rev. Brian Wallace, Presbytery East Branch and Elder Ann Turnock, Congregational Care Assistant, met with Session at the February 11 meeting to share ideas and information about the process of searching for a part-time minister. They distributed a document entitled the Pittsburgh Presbytery Commission on Ministry-Part-Time Ministry Guidelines and Worksheet. The document breaks down the part-time position into 5 tiers. We received a second document that outlined the part-time into duties and the hours needed to fulfill time based on the 5 tiers of Pastoral leadership. There is a difference between sharing a pastor and yoked churches. Yoked churches share a pastor and both churches contribute elders to a shared Session. Sharing a pastor means that two congregations share the pastor, only. The session decided to either seek a part-time pastor or, possibly, share a pastor with another congregation. Our first jobs are to establish a mission statement and to determine what tier of part-time responsibilities we would like to have the person fulfill. We then check with Presbytery to see if there are any natural matches. We will then write a description of our church and the tasks we expect our minister to do. This will be listed on a Presbytery website. It is recommended that we form a Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC). The PNC would consist of 3 Elders, 1 Deacon, and 1 member of the congregation. We will need to start looking for supply pastors to replace Rev. Rucker when he retires. Brian recommends that we begin the search after Easter (at least 2 months before we need one.) If we need to find a preacher/worship leader between Pastor Michael’s leaving and a part-time pastor starting, we can get a list of supply pastors from Presbytery. The cost/Sunday will be approximately $150. It was recommended that we keep in contact with Ann Turnock with any questions. TWO INSPIRING THOUGHTS:
Throughout the season of Lent, we will be immersing ourselves in the forgiveness, mercy, and new beginnings that God offers us in the life of his Son, Jesus. We will also recall the night Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and called us to that same servanthood. Spend some time contemplating these two thoughts: “There is no future without forgiveness.” Desmond Tutu “If serving is below you, leadership is beyond you.” Anon. Spiritual Development with Pastor Michael… FOR EVERY DAY OF LENT Throughout the season of Lent, I will send a Lenten reflection, poem, thought, or prayer to all the people on our church email list. All of you will be invited to share a thought or reflection of your own. If you are not the email list and would like to be, call the church office. The internet can link us together into a FPCE web of prayer. A MID-WEEK ADULT CLASS – ARE YOU INTERESTED? For many, many years the pastors in our church have offered a Wednesday evening class on at least some of the weeks of the Lenten season. Over the past few years, the number of interested people has become less and less. But please – if you are at all interested or know someone who would be interested in such a class, call or text me at 412- 298-3140. I would love to meet with you. |
September 2024