Worship for the 17th Sunday after Pentecost includes a sermon by the Rev. Kellie Weekley-Mills about the wideness of God’s love and God’s desire/plan to be in relationship with ALL people titled "'Even' is a Very Big Word."
Worship for the 16th Sunday after Pentecost featured a sermon titled "Let Us Cross to the Other Side" by guest pastor, the Rev. Kellie Weekley-Mills. We had issues again with the Facebook Livestream (I think it was my fault for playing with some of the settings to test things and then not switch them back!). The recording was interrupted at several points during the service, so that video will be removed from the Facebook page. I'm fairly certain I know what I did and can have it fixed for next week. Always a learning curve with new technology!
The edited video as well as SoundCloud audio and pdf bulletin are linked below. Peace, Shaun
Worship for the 15th Sunday after Pentecost includes a message titled "Availability..." by guest pastor, the Rev. Dr. Dan Merry. Several familiar and favorite hymns are also included in the service.
On this 14th Sunday after Pentecost, we share in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. The Rev. Dr. Dan Merry leads us in worship this week in an energetic service full of a great message and uplifting music. In addition to the livestream video posted on our Facebook page, the edited video is available on YouTube and audio only on our SoundCloud channel.
January 2025