We're happy to share our first attempt at a full video of FPCE worship. Michael, Shaun, Sunny, and John Foster met on Friday to record our service in its entirety, then Shaun edited the video to add text to prayers, responses, and hymns so that you may participate fully while watching on screen. We also posted the audio only as we've been doing for the past 6 weeks on SoundCloud, and a PDF of the bulletin is also available. You choose how you'd like to experience worship!
As we did on Easter Sunday, we invite those who wish to participate in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper to prepare the elements of bread and cup before the service so that you may partake when invited to do so. We welcome your feedback so we may plan for future Sunday worship services. Please email Michael or Shaun your thoughts about the video. And don't forget to like the social media postings and share them on your own feeds so that your friends can access our worship. Finally, the link for donating on the website has been fixed. Treasurer Tom Ochs mentioned he received a few notes from members stating they could not get the online donation feature to work. The code has been updated and by selecting the DONATE menu option and clicking the "online giving" button. Or access it directly at www.fpcedgewood.org/donate ![]()
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January 2025