The Bible is a story of migration. A story of people moving. From Eden to the Land of Nod. From dry land onto an ark. From the Land of Ur to Canaan. From Babylon back to Jerusalem. From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.
It is not only physical migration that the Bible speaks of. Spiritual migration is just as real. From loneliness to fellowship. From despair to hope. From being lost to being found. From death to life. We are in the midst of an immense, earth-moving, ground-shaking, cataclysmic, gut-wrenching, soul-shattering migration right now. Remember, we Presbyterians say we are “Reformed and always reforming.” Well, a reformation is occurring—now...and it’s a big one. Heather and I recently attended a day-long presentation by a pastor, writer, theologian, future-thinker, church planter, social movement leader named Brian McLaren. His most recent, and some say his most important, book is entitled The Great Spiritual Migration: How the World’s Largest Religion Is Seeking a Better Way To Be Christian. You will be hearing much more about this book and others like it over the next year. Here are a few insights for us to begin to think about…pray about…talk about:
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September 2024