The session is the leadership body of FPCE. They gather on the second Tuesday of the month to pray and work together as they guide us into the future.
On Saturday, February 20, the session had a one– day retreat. The long-range planning portion of the meeting was led by Heather Wilson. Pastor Michael’s wife. Heather has had much experience in this kind of leadership in her positions at college and college related organizations. Her leadership led the session into some creative thinking. Heather helped us create an “energy field.” She asked, “what the forces of life that drive the mission and ministry of FPCE. Then she asked, “what forces are working against us as we look to take the next steps into the future God has for us. That introduction led us into a drawing exercise. We were each given a large sheet of newsprint and crayons. On one side, we drew or designed or wrote about FPCE as we see it. On the other side, we did the same about the FPCE of the future. An energetic conversation ensued. At its next monthly meeting (March 8), the session will clarify and “flesh out” the vision that emerged from this very productive day. More explanation and details will be a major subject covered in the April newsletter. Comments are closed.
January 2025